sábado, 3 de novembro de 2018

Taller Aberto 2018, Mostra de arte postal

Co obxectivo de manter vivo un espazo aberto de arte para a veciñanza este decembro celebraremos o noso cuarto Taller Aberto. Nesta ocasión, consistirá nunha Mostra de arte postal coas obras recibidas ao longo dos últimos meses na convocatoria Neighborhood International mail art project, realizada coa colaboración do artista Carlos Botana. Na mostra se expoñerán as obras recibidas ata Decembro, asi como, información sobre o proxecto en relación co alumnado e o barrio. Un proxecto que vincula o barrio coa arte, con diferentes linguaxes artísticas, coa pedagoxía, con outros barrios do mundo, outras linguas e culturas. 
-Ofreceremos un obradoiro de arte postal que dará comezo as cinco da tarde no tallerdepolo e, a segunda actividade dará comezo a partir das seis; saída a un divertido xogo tipo xincana, de buscar pistas polo barrio (algunhas terán premio!).

A exposición estará repartida en dous lugares: o tallerdepolo e a bocateria O’ Toxo propiciando un circuíto dentro do barrio no que se atoparan as pistas.

Ao longo do día podes visitar a exposición en horario de 12 a 21 horas, aproximado. Recoméndovos que vos anotedes nas actividades (obradoiro e xincana) enviando un correo a polotallerdepolo@gmail.com

Esperamos vervos polos Castros! 


Mail art exhibition in the neighborhood of Os Castros

On December 1, Mail Art Exhibition with the works received in the Neighborhood call, we will also offer a free workshop and a fun game of clues in the neighborhood of Os Castros.

With the objective of keeping alive an open art space for the neighborhood this December we will celebrate our fourth Taller Aberto 2018, Open Workshop. This year it will consist of a mail art exhibition with the works received over the last months in the Neighborhood International mail art project, with the collaboration of the artist Carlos Botana. The exhibition will show the works received until December, as well as, information about the project in relation to tallerdepolo’ students and the neighborhood. A project that links the neighborhood with art, with different artistic languages, with pedagogy, with other neighborhoods in the world, other languages and cultures.

We will also offer a postal art workshop that will start at five o'clock in the afternoon, and from the sixth we will go out to a fun game type gymkhana, to look for clues through the neighborhood (some will have a prize!).

The exhibition will be divided into two places: the workshop and the O’ Toxo" bocateria, which will provide a circuit in the neighborhood where the tracks were located. Throughout the day you can visit the exhibition from 12:00 a.m. to 9:00 pm, approximate.

I recommend you write down the activities (workshop and gymkhana) by sending an e-mail to polotallerdepolo@gmail.com

We hope to see you in Os Castros neighborhood! 


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